Immunrise Hangover Support

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Immunrise Hangover Support

  • Multi-pronged hangover help

  • Electrolytes to help rehydration

  • Antioxidants for liver protection and detox

  • Vitamins to assist the body

Immunrise Hangover Support is a unique electrolyte and antioxidant based formula that help you stay hydrated and energized after drinking. Take one sachet during and after drinking to reduce the symptoms of a hangover. The electrolytes assist in dealing with the dehydration that occurs with drinking alcohol, the antioxidants assist in reducing damage to the liver and the symptoms of the hangover.This formula is also an advanced botanical based formula that supports liver health. It also serves as a comprehensive liver detox. In addition, it assists with liver regeneration, liver protection and antioxidant protection.

Immunrise adult nutrition range only sourced the best natural ingredients, scientifically formulated into effective nutrition products to meet everyday health needs of busy adults.

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